Year level: 9

Strand: Statistics

Lesson length: 60 mins

In this lesson, students are hotel managers conducting a statistical investigation to help them decide on a model for the perfect pricing structure for a new hotel/holiday resort.

Perfect pricing Image

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 9, students compare and analyse the distributions of multiple numerical data sets, choose representations, describe features of these data sets using summary statistics and the shape of the distributions. They explain how sampling techniques and representation can be used to support or question conclusions or to promote a point of view.

Content description

  • Students plan and conduct statistical investigations involving the collection and analysis of different kinds of data; report findings and discuss the strength of evidence to support any conclusions. AC9M9ST05
  • Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving rational numbers and percentages, including financial contexts; formulate problems, choosing efficient calculation strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the situation, reviewing the appropriateness of the model. AC9M8N05

General capabilities


  • Interpreting and representing data (Level 7)
  • Understanding money (Level 9)

Digital Literacy

Critical and Creative Thinking

  • Identify, process and evaluate information (Level 6
  • Draw conclusions and provide reasons (Level 6)

Related content

Economics and Business, ACHE9S02, AC9HE9S04

The following opportunity for assessment is given below.

Students complete self-assessment or peer assessment using the Assessment rubric, found in the downloadable Student instructions worksheet.

Use the Assessment rubric found in the Teacher’s notes to assess the activity and return to students to provide feedback.

  • Some students may have difficulty combining and analysing multiple data sources and weighing their importance in the pricing structure. Ask students to think about the relevance of each source and identify a key source upon which to base their pricing structure and then tweak it by analysing each of the other data sets in turn.
  • They may not provide sufficient support or linkage to data trends when making pricing decisions. Use questioning and specific examples to illustrate and prompt the required level of detail. (Refer to teacher’s notes.)
  • Students lack a foundational understanding of supply and demand and its impact on pricing. Provide a primer in basic economic principles, for instance, talk about buying Christmas wrapping paper on 15 December versus 27 December.
  • Students may have difficulty using Excel to create graphs and prepare calculations. Consider doing a whole-class demonstration, or source appropriate instructional videos.

Prior to this lesson, it is expected that students show a basic understanding of data collection and statistical analysis.

What you need:

  • Lesson plan (Word)

  • Teacher’s slides (PowerPoint)

  • Teacher's notes (Word)

  • Perfect pricing student instructions (Word)

  • Perfect pricing template (Excel)

  • Software for data compilation and budget preparation

  • Calculators, laptop/access to computers