Planning tool
Year levels
Expected level of development
Australian Curriculum Mathematics V9: AC9M1N02
Numeracy Progression: Number and place value: P2, Counting processes: P2
At this level, students further establish part-part-whole when exploring one- and two-digit numbers. They use partitioning to think about and represent numbers in different ways.
Use physical materials (e.g. pebbles, shells, Unifix, bead-strings) and virtual materials (e.g. tens frames and counters, rekenreks) to enable students to explore different ways to make 10. Use classroom talks to support students to build confidence and fluency of facts to 10 by using part-part-whole reasoning.
Provide time for students to explore and model two-digit numbers in different ways using physical and virtual materials. Make explicit the importance of grouping in tens, that 10 ones is 1 ten and 1 ten is 10 ones. Ensure students have opportunities to recognise numbers and rename them in different ways.
Teaching and learning summary:
- Establish confidence when using part-part-whole facts to 10.
- Use play-based experiences, stories and classroom talks to practise partitioning and develop number flexibility when working with two-digit numbers.

- make and describe number bonds to 10 in different ways
- understand that a count of one ten is the same as ten counts of one (10 ones is 1 ten)
- recognise and describe teen numbers as 1 ten and some more (e.g. 16 is 1 ten and 6 more)
- use tens and ones to partition two-digit numbers in different ways (e.g. know that 35 is 3 tens and 5 ones; it can also be described as 2 tens and 15 ones)
- understand that 10 ones is 1 ten and that two-digit numbers comprise tens and ones/units.
Some students may:
- frequently write the teen numbers backwards to match how they are said (e.g. writing the 4 first in 14 but producing 41). To address this, involve students in a discussion about the difficulty of teen number names. For example, provide tens frames and counters and say ‘Make 1 ten and 4 ones – it should be called "onety-four"! Now write that number, onety-four. What’s the real name? Yes, fourteen!’
- know how to read two-digit numbers correctly (e.g. read 38 correctly as ‘thirty eight’) but be unable to recognise that the 3 represents a count of tens. To address this, provide opportunities to break numbers into parts using tens frames and paddle pop sticks. Make explicit the grouping in tens, that 10 ones is 1 ten, and 1 ten is 10 ones.
- be unable at their stage of development to use the place-value parts of tens and ones when describing two-digit numbers. For example, they can describe 68 as 60 ones and 8 ones but cannot yet understand or express 68 as 6 tens and 8 ones. To address this, provide repeated opportunities to practise counting that involves making, naming and recording tens and ones. Emphasise the count of tens in the tens place and count of ones in the ones place.
Address misunderstandings students may have with this topic.
The Learning from home activities are designed to be used flexibly by teachers, parents and carers, as well as the students themselves. They can be used in a number of ways including to consolidate and extend learning done at school or for home schooling.
Learning intention
- We are learning to understand and use numbers up to 99.
Why are we learning about this?
- We use numbers and counting in everyday situations.
What to do:
1. Think about and discuss part-part-whole facts to 10. For example:
- Identify pairs of numbers that combine to make 10 (e.g. 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7).
- Describe numbers to 10 in different ways (e.g. 6 is 2 and 4, it’s also 1 and 5, as well as double 3. It’s also 1 more than 5).
- Play versions of Memory (also called Concentration) that involves matching number facts to 10.
2. Engage with two-digit numbers every day. Here are some ideas:
- When putting away toys at home, notice how many are in a collection.
- When playing (with blocks, or other toys) notice how many you used.
- Go on a number hunt. Look for, recognise and read the numbers around you, such as on signs, calendars, speed signs and houses.
3. Play Guess my number or other games to practise understanding numbers.
- Player 1 writes (and hides) a 2-digit number on a piece of paper.
- Player 2 asks yes / no questions about it until they guess what it is.
- Some questions could be: Is it larger than 50? Does it have an odd number in the tens place?
4. Combine counting with movement activities, such as skipping or walking. Pay special attention to the tricky pronunciation of the teen numbers.
5. Play board games like Snakes and ladders that involve a number chart to 100.
6. Play General number knowledge. Choose a number between 1 and 50 and take turns at sharing what you know about it.
- Person 1: ‘I choose 15. It is 5 more than 10.’
- Person 2: ‘I know that 15 is halfway between 10 and 20’.
- Person 1: ‘I know that 15 is 1 ten and 5 ones’.
- Person 2: ‘I know 15 is spelled f-i-f-t-e-e-n’.
Once ideas are exhausted, it’s Person 2’s turn to choose a number.
Success criteria
I can:
- make and describe the numbers to 10 in lots of different ways
- explain how 2-digit numbers (10–99) are made up of tens and ones (e.g. 23 is made up of 2 tens and 3 ones.
- use my understanding of tens and ones to count objects. For instance, when counting a collection of pebbles, I first organise the pebbles into groups of ten and count these up (10, 20, 30 …) before counting the extra pebbles by ones (... 31, 32, 33, 34) to count a total of 34 pebbles.
- describe 2-digit numbers in different ways (e.g. 34 can be described as 3 tens and 4 ones, or as 34 ones, or 30 + 4.)
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Teaching strategies
A collection of evidence-based teaching strategies applicable to this topic. Note we have not included an exhaustive list and acknowledge that some strategies such as differentiation apply to all topics. The selected teaching strategies are suggested as particularly relevant, however you may decide to include other strategies as well.
Concrete, Representational, Abstract (CRA model)
The CRA model is a three-phased approach where students move from concrete or virtual manipulatives, to making visual representations and on to using symbolic notation.
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Culturally responsive pedagogy
Mathematics is not an exclusive western construct. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and demonstrate the mathematics to be found in all cultures.
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Multiple exposures
Providing students with multiple opportunities within different contexts to practise skills and apply concepts allows them to consolidate and deepen their understanding.
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Classroom talks
Classroom talks enable students to develop language, build mathematical thinking skills and create mathematical meaning through collaborative conversations.
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Collaborative learning
For group work to be effective students need to be taught explicitly how to work together in different settings, such as pairs or larger groups, and they need to practise these skills.
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A culture of questioning should be encouraged and students should be comfortable to ask for clarification when they do not understand.
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Teaching resources
A range of resources to support you to build your student's understanding of these concepts, their skills and procedures. The resources incorporate a variety of teaching strategies.
The ten apples game
Use this game to apply part-part-whole knowledge of making ten in a novel problem-solving context.
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Tuning in: Show what you know
Use this open-ended lesson to teach key messages about learning maths while also gauging what students already know about two-digit numbers.
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resolve: Number – one is a snail
Explore place value using numbers to 20 and beyond, representing numbers in different ways.
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The teen game
Use these tasks to teach partitioning of teen numbers in a way that embeds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories.
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Capture ten
Use this cooperative game as a meaningful context to add and rename numbers to 20.
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Classroom talk: Representation Stations Year 1 place value
Use this slidedeck in a classroom talk to revisit and introduce counting and place value tools and provide opportunities to collaboratively represent numbers to 99.
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Representation stations: Year 1 – Place value
Revisit and introduce counting and place value tools and facilitate students as they represent numbers to 99.
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Wishball challenge: tens
Use this game that uses place value knowledge, addition and/or subtraction as part of game play.
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Counting on counting
This unit supports students with counting in both proficiency and conceptual understanding.
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By the end of Year 1, students partition one- and two-digit numbers in different ways. This includes partitioning two-digit numbers into tens and ones.
Number Check
Use this diagnostic interview to gauge students’ number knowledge.
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Assessment: Dinosaurs
Use this task to assess student’s ability to partition one- and two-digit numbers in different ways.
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Assessment: Number tiles
Use this task to assess student’s ability to partition one- and two-digit numbers in different ways.
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Mathematics Year 1: ACARA
Refer to Year 1 work sample 7, Number: What is the number? Students apply place value knowledge of two-digit numbers in an open-ended task.
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