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2D shapes and their features
A Year 1/2 teacher explores with students the language of 2D shapes and their features.
Additional details |
Year level(s) | Year 2, Year 3 |
Audience | Teacher |
Purpose | Teaching resource |
Format | Web page |
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches | Explicit teaching |
Curriculum alignment |
Strand and focus | Space |
Topics | Shapes and objects |
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions |
Recognise, compare and classify shapes, referencing the number of sides and using spatial terms such as "opposite", "parallel", "curved" and "straight"
Make, compare and classify objects, identifying key features and explaining why these features make them suited to their uses |
Numeracy progression |
Understanding geometric properties (P3)
Copyright details |
Organisation | AITSL |
Copyright | © 2017 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. Free-for-education material. |
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