Big Ideas in Geometric Reasoning Image

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Big Ideas in Geometric Reasoning

Part of the Top Drawer Teachers - Big Ideas series, this resource gives an overview of some of the important ideas in geometry:

  • Plane shapes
  • Congruence
  • Similarity
  • Geometric proof
  • Circle geometry

There are sections about common misunderstandings, teaching and assessment strategies, and student activities.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 7, Year 8
Audience Teacher, School Leader
Purpose Content knowledge
Format Web page
Keywords geometry, congruence, similarity, shape

Curriculum alignment

Strand and focus Space
Topics Angles and geometric reasoning, Shapes and objects
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Classify triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons according to their side and angle properties; identify and reason about relationships

Identify the conditions for congruence and similarity of triangles and explain the conditions for other sets of common shapes to be congruent or similar, including those formed by transformations

Establish properties of quadrilaterals using congruent triangles and angle properties, and solve related problems explaining reasoning


Describe the relationship between π and the features of circles including the circumference, radius and diameter

Numeracy progression Understanding geometric properties (P4, P5, P6)
Understanding units of measurement (P9)
Proportional thinking (P6)

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Education Services Australia Ltd


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