Capital Airways: Part 2

This is the second lesson in the Capital Airways series and follows the prior lesson Capital Airways: Part 1. Students investigate a network through an airline route map.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 10
Audience Teacher
Purpose Teaching resource
Format Web page
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Questioning, Mathematics investigation, Collaborative learning
Keywords networks, network diagrams, mathematical modelling, Maths Hub lesson plan

Curriculum alignment

Curriculum connections Critical and creative thinking
Strand and focus Space, Algebra
Topics Mathematical modelling, Linear relationships, Money and financial mathematics
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions

Interpret networks and network diagrams used to represent relationships in practical situations and describe connectedness

Use mathematical modelling to solve applied problems involving growth and decay, including financial contexts; formulate problems, choosing to apply linear, quadratic or exponential models; interpret solutions in terms of the situation; evaluate and modify models as necessary and report assumptions, methods and findings

Numeracy progression Number patterns and algebraic thinking (P9)

Copyright details


Commonwealth of Australia


© 2024 Commonwealth of Australia. Creative Commons BY 4.0.