Introducing the Cartesian coordinate system Image

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Introducing the Cartesian coordinate system

This resource for both teachers and students explores the Cartesian coordinate system. The student section includes self-check questions.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 6
Audience Teacher
Purpose Teaching resource, Student task
Format Web page
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Explicit teaching

Curriculum alignment

Strand and focus Space
Topics Position and location
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Recognise situations, including financial contexts, that use integers; locate and represent integers on a number line and as coordinates on the Cartesian plane

Locate points in the 4 quadrants of a Cartesian plane; describe changes to the coordinates when a point is moved to a different position in the plane

Numeracy progression Positioning and locating (P5)
Number and place value (P9)

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© The University of Melbourne. Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0.