It is odd – or is it?

In this lesson, students investigate the properties of odd and even numbers. They use their discoveries to confirm calculations involving addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 4
Audience Teacher
Purpose Teaching resource
Format Web page
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Questioning, Differentiated teaching, Collaborative learning
Keywords odd and even, efficient strategies, conjecture, reasoning, Maths Hub lesson plan

Curriculum alignment

Curriculum connections Critical and creative thinking
Strand and focus Number
Topics Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Explain and use the properties of odd and even numbers

Develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder

Recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and related division facts; extend and apply facts to develop efficient mental strategies for computation with larger numbers without a calculator

Numeracy progression Number and place value (P7)
Additive strategies (P8)
Multiplicative strategies (P6)

Copyright details


Commonwealth of Australia


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