Number trains
Put the trains in order. The trains have numbers on their sides written as words, numerals or dots.
Additional details |
Year level(s) | Foundation, Year 1 |
Audience | Student |
Purpose | Student task, Home practice tasks |
Format | Interactive |
Keywords | games |
Curriculum alignment |
Strand and focus | Number |
Topics | Place value |
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions |
Quantify and compare collections to at least 20 using counting and explain or demonstrate reasoning
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 120 using physical and virtual materials, numerals, number lines and charts
Quantify sets of objects, to at least 120, by partitioning collections into equal groups using number knowledge and skip counting |
Numeracy progression |
Counting processes (P4, P6)
Number and place value (P3, P4) |
Copyright details |
Organisation | Education Services Australia |
Copyright | © Education Services Australia. Creative Commons BY 4.0. |
Related resources
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