Recognising and comparing decimal numbers

In this lesson, students learn about place value and how it extends beyond whole numbers. They use decimal notation to name and represent decimals and use materials to model decimals. These models help students to order and compare decimals that include tenths, hundredths and thousandths.

After completing the lesson, a relevant follow-up activity is Decimats (understanding fractions).

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 4
Audience Teacher
Purpose Teaching resource
Format Web page
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Differentiated teaching, Explicit teaching, Concrete Representational Abstract model
Keywords hundredths, tenths, thousandths, place value, Maths Hub lesson plan

Curriculum alignment

Strand and focus Number
Topics Decimals, Place value
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Recognise and extend the application of place value to tenths and hundredths and use the conventions of decimal notation to name and represent decimals

Numeracy progression Number and place value (P7)
Counting processes (P8)
Interpreting fractions (P5)
Understanding units of measurement (P8)

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Commonwealth of Australia


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