reSolve: Location: My Place in Space Image

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reSolve: Location: My Place in Space

This series of two lessons explores locating points and calculating distances using the Cartesian plane. In the first lesson, students locate and describe points on the Cartesian plane using ordered pairs of coordinates. They then search for squares on a given plane and find the side lengths of the squares. In the second lesson, students find the vertical and horizontal distances between points on a Cartesian plane and use this to solve a problem of finding the best location for a depot for an ice-cream delivery business. The sequence is outlined in detail including curriculum links, vocabulary, materials needed, presentation slides, discussion points and student resources. This sequence is part of the reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry program.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 6
Audience Teacher
Purpose Teaching resource
Format Downloadable resources
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Mathematics investigation
Keywords Cartesian coordinates, Cartesian plane

Curriculum alignment

Curriculum connections Numeracy
Strand and focus Build understanding, Apply understanding, Measurement
Topics Position and location
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Locate points in the 4 quadrants of a Cartesian plane; describe changes to the coordinates when a point is moved to a different position in the plane

Numeracy progression Positioning and locating (P5)
Number and place value (P9)

Copyright details


reSolve Maths by Inquiry


© Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment 2021. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.