Using units of measurement Image

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Using units of measurement

This resource discusses how the proficiencies can be embedded into the teaching of units of measurement by using practical, contextualised examples. For each activity there is a section on content knowledge, question ideas and responses, extensions and connections to other curriculum areas.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 7
Audience Teacher
Purpose Content knowledge, Teaching resource
Format Downloadable resources
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Questioning
Keywords Area, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Perimeter

Curriculum alignment

Strand and focus Measurement
Topics Area, volume and surface area
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Solve problems involving the area of triangles and parallelograms using established formulas and appropriate units

Numeracy progression Understanding geometric properties (P6)
Understanding units of measurement (P9)

Copyright details


South Australian Department for Education


© Government of South Australia. Free-for-education material.