Year 1 Number Check for families: Guide

Use this guide to help you with the Year 1 Number Check for families. For more information refer to Numeracy at Year 1.

Additional details

Year level(s) Foundation, Year 1
Audience Parent or carer
Purpose Parent guide to maths
Format Downloadable resources
Keywords Number check

Curriculum alignment

Strand and focus Number
Topics Place value, Properties of number
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions

Name, represent and order numbers including zero to at least 20, using physical and virtual materials and numerals

Recognise and name the number of objects within a collection up to 5 using subitising

Quantify and compare collections to at least 20 using counting and explain or demonstrate reasoning

Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 120 using physical and virtual materials, numerals, number lines and charts

Numeracy progression Number and place value (P2, P3, P4)
Counting processes (P4)

Copyright details


Commonwealth of Australia


© 2020 Commonwealth of Australia. Creative Commons BY 4.0.