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YouCubed number visuals
Explores number visuals from 1 to 20, including a focus on how number visuals are made up of other numbers.
Additional details |
Year level(s) | Year 2, Year 3 |
Audience | Student, Teacher |
Purpose | Teaching resource, Teaching strategies |
Format | Video |
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches | Questioning, Targeted teaching, Concrete Representational Abstract model |
Keywords | patterns, multiplication, explicit teaching |
Curriculum alignment |
Curriculum connections | Numeracy |
Strand and focus | Number, Build understanding |
Topics | Multiplication and division |
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions |
Multiply and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays, and partitioning to support a variety of calculation strategies
Recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10; extend and apply facts to develop the related division facts |
Numeracy progression |
Multiplicative strategies (P5)
Number patterns and algebraic thinking (P4) |
Copyright details |
Organisation | NSW Department of Education |
Copyright | © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2020 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, unless otherwise indicated. |
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