Maths in Schools Professional Learning
The Maths in Schools Professional Learning program has a range of free professional learning resources to suit your needs, including free online courses, training events and professional learning packs delivered by The University of Adelaide. The program aims to build confidence and positive mindsets in maths and numeracy, founded on evidence-based research and pedagogy and harnessing the many high-quality resources and programs found on the Mathematics Hub.
The program is available to all teachers but has a particular focus on reaching participants based in schools in lower socio-economic areas, regional, remote locations, schools with higher First Nation student enrolments and out of field teachers looking to increase their confidence in teaching maths and numeracy.

Free online courses
These self-paced courses showcase maths and numeracy learning and teaching lessons, resources and current practice and pedagogies. They also provide opportunities for networking and sharing resources in an online course community.

Professional learning events
We offer free face-to-face and virtual professional learning events, designed to help teachers and schools to engage with maths and numeracy through the online courses and Mathematics Hub. We have Project Officers across Australia delivering professional learning sessions to suit your school needs. Our Project Officers can deliver:
- Maths in Schools Professional Learning briefing sessions that introduce Maths in Schools resources and support available.
- Introductory and immersion workshops for various year levels across F-2, Years 3-6 and Years 7-10.
- Theme-based workshops, such as Growth Mindsets in Maths, Culturally Responsive Maths Pedagogies and more.
Register your interest for professional learning, events or visit the webinars page.
Professional learning packs (PL-in-a-Box)
PL-in-a-Box supports professional learning of maths and numeracy in your school or community. These resources are designed to support you or your team in delivering free professional learning sessions, workshops or events aligned to the online courses and Hub.
For each pack, you will find annotations that provide hints and ideas on how to run the PL workshop. Our PL Packs are provided under Creative Commons Attribution No-Commercialisation licensing, which means that you can freely use these PL packs to provide professional learning under non commercial arrangements.
PL-in-a-Box packs have been developed for participants who complete a course and want to share their learning with peers and school community. The packs are aligned to each module within each of the three courses and can be downloaded from the home page within the courses.

Maths in Schools Professional Learning Guide
This guide is designed to support all educators - school leadership, classroom teachers, tertiary educators, and education providers to deliver professional learning using our suite of Maths in Schools online courses and PL-in-a-Box program.
In this guide we cover key concepts, resources and professional learning session ideas that can provide a quick reference point for facilitators.
Further, this guide provides advice and strategies for facilitating professional learning, to suit your community needs and purposes.

Connect with us
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Maths in Schools Professional Learning Program, please contact us via or via our website at