Year level: 6

Strand: Number

Lesson length: 75 mins

In this lesson, students are provided with a real-world problem related to shopping. The problem centres around gathering evidence to answer the question: ‘How does choosing sale items affect your grocery costs over a year?’ Introduce the 4-step problem-solving model to guide students to use mathematical modelling.

The intention of this lesson is for students to use mathematical modelling to solve the problem. It is suggested not to scaffold the problem so as to encourage students’ investigative thinking. It is preferable that students choose an appropriate mathematical operation and use computational thinking to break the problem into parts to help solve it. In the process, they may use several strategies to model and solve the problem. Ideally, you introduce the 4-step problem-solving model for students to follow in constructing their approach.

Mathematical modelling: Discounts Image

Achievement standard

Students use mathematical modelling to solve financial and other practical problems involving percentages and rational numbers, formulating and solving the problem, and justifying choices.

Content descriptions

Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations including financial contexts; formulate problems using number sentences and choose calculation strategies, using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the situation. AC9M6N09

Students solve problems that require finding a familiar fraction, decimal or percentage of a quantity, including percentage discounts, choosing efficient calculation strategies and using digital tools where appropriate. AC9M6N07

General capabilities


Assess students' proficiency in working out a discount using a bar model to represent the saving.

  • Display the exit-ticket task:

A slide of an exit ticket with a bar model of a rectangle labelled 100 and under it two smaller rectangles labelled 70 and the other 30.

In this task, students may suggest answers similar to:

  • The item cost $100. With a 30% discount, it cost $70.
  • The jumper costs $100, but with a 30% discount, you save $30 and pay $70.
  • The earbuds are priced at $100. With a 30% discount, you only pay $70.
  • You got a great deal buying something for $70 which originally cost $100 before the 30% sale.
  • Without the 30% sale you would have paid $100 instead of $70, so you saved $30.

Some students may:

  • need support to convert percentages into fractions or decimals, especially when determining the amount of the discount and the final price
  • confuse related terms such as ‘discount’, ‘percentage’ and ‘discounted price’.
  • be challenged to break down the problem into smaller parts and fully understand what mathematics is needed to solve the problem.

It is expected that students:

  • have an understanding of percentage and how to calculate the percentage of a given number
  • be familiar with multiplying and dividing numbers, as these skills are essential for calculating discounts
  • have a basic understanding of subtracting values to find the difference between original and discounted prices (savings)
  • be familiar with currency and the concept of pricing, including how to interpret item price and totals.

It is also assumed students are familiar with terms such as:

  • total
  • discount
  • percentage
  • discounted price
  • savings
  • price
  • daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

What you need: