Year level: 8

Strand: Measurement / Number

Lesson length: 60 mins

This lesson is one in a series of lessons on Pythagoras theorem. Students work in small groups to investigate the application of Pythagoras’ theorem to problems in a practical or theoretical context. They apply the ‘context > representation > exploration > interpretation > investigation’ cycle to questions of interest or problems in a context involving right-angled triangles and lengths and communicate their findings to others.

Pythagoras investigations and applications Image

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 8, students recognise irrational numbers and terminating or recurring decimals. Students use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve measurement problems involving unknown lengths of right-angled triangles.

Content description

  • Students recognise irrational numbers in applied contexts, including square roots and π. AC9M8N01
  • Students use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems involving the side lengths of right-angled triangles. AC9M8M06

General capabilities


  • Understanding geometric properties (Level 7)
  • Understanding units of measurement (Level 10)
  • Multiplicative strategies (Level 9)

Critical and creative thinking

  • Interpret concepts and problems (Level 5)
  • consider alternatives (Level 5)

Digital literacy

  • Select and operate tools (Level 5)

The following assessment opportunities are suggested below.

  • Display the Exit ticket (slide 14) and solutions (slide 15) from the teacher’s slides.
  • Note: The key aspect of the exit ticket is the ability to read the information and construct a suitable right-angled triangle diagram. Students can either solve the problem using written working and a scientific calculator, or by using an online Pythagoras calculator. In this context a suitable level of accuracy is one decimal place.
  • Assess each group on their presentation skills and their ability to logically explain the mathematical approach taken to investigate their respective investigation.

Some students may:

  • find difficulty identifying key information from text
  • misrepresent key information on a diagram
  • not understand the notion of a variable in terms of systematically exploring a context.

It is expected that students have familiarity with:

  • spatial terms including, side, right-angle, triangle, opposite, hypotenuse, square and their representation and labelling in diagrams
  • measurement terms, including: 90 degrees, unit, cm, m, square cm, square m, length, area
  • the number terms and notations for: square, square root, approximation, decimals and rounding.

Note: For the circle aspect of exploration Context 3, students would also need to be familiar with radius, diameter, semi-circle and formulas for the area of a circle.

What you need:

  • Lesson plan (Word)

  • Teacher’s slides (PowerPoint)

  • Scientific calculator

  • Access to an online Pythagoras calculator, laptops or access to a computer