Year level: Year 5

Strand: Number

Lesson length: 85 mins

In this second lesson in the series, students investigate fractions by exploring the colourful world of flags, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ones. They use a grid to understand fractions, and guide a partner to draw an Asian flag using precise mathematical language and locating fractions on a number line.

This lesson was developed in collaboration with the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT).

Flag fractionisation Image

Achievement standard

Students order and represent, add and subtract fractions with the same or related denominators. They represent common percentages and connect them to their fraction and decimal equivalents.

Content descriptions

Compare and order fractions with the same and related denominators including mixed numerals, applying knowledge of factors and multiples; represent these fractions on a number line. AC9M5N03

General capabilities

General capabilities

  • Literacy: Speaking and listening (Level 4)
  • Numeracy: Interpreting fractions (Level 5)

Cross-curriculum priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures (A_TSICP1)
  • Asia and Australia’s Link with Asia: Growing Asia–Australia engagement (AAG1)
  • Reserve some time at the end of the lesson for students to reflect and demonstrate their learning.
  • Use the Flag fractionisation exit ticket (slide 5) in the teacher's slides to ask: ‘What fraction of this shape is black? How do you know?’
  • Expect responses such as: Half because there are two different colours; 13 64 because they see the middle as  1 64 not  4 64 .
  • Basic arithmetic skills (addition, subtraction and multiplication)
  • Some awareness of flags is useful

Some students may:

  • find the introduction of terms such as ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’ a bit abstract and may confuse them. Continue to model correct metalanguage to build students’ language confidence and skill.
  • initially find it challenging to understand that different visual representations can still represent the same fraction (equivalency of fractions). For example, two different flag designs could both represent , even though they look different. Emphasise that fractions represent a proportion of an amount, so that it is the quantity (or area in this case) that matters, not the shape. Paper folding may help with this (to illustrate different ways a square may be folded in half for example).
  • find that flags are an emotive issue (for instance, based on current world events or specifically for students from war-torn refugee backgrounds) so sensitivity may be needed.

What you need:

  • Lesson plan (Word)

  • Teacher’s slides (PowerPoint)

  • Fractions of a flag worksheet (Word)

  • Flags of Asia worksheet (Word)

  • Art supplies (coloured pencils, rulers, etc)